31 August 2008

Gustav Finally Left Us

I would like to start off by THANKING everyone that emailed me with such concern. It was lovely to go through all my emails when I could get it working again. THANK YOU! It touched me deeply.

Well what a name for a Hurricane! Gustav has finally left Jamaica and I am so relieved. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone else who has been and will be affected by him. We were without power for 3 days and water for 2 days we are still without water but hopefully we will get that back soon. The greatest part of the storm was the evening sky the night Gustav was coming for us. It was absolutely beautiful

We are at the house right now cooking a lovely English roast Dinner. Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes and Glazed carrots. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Lovely.

My husband is relaxing in the hammock on the Veranda with his friend and the dogs well their doing what they do best CHILLING OUT. Here are just a few pics to show everyone what it's like out here now. My Banana trees are still standing! Yeahhhhhhhhhh! I have six of them and was worried the wind would knock them down. My husband just cut off most of the leaves so the wind wouldn't take them. As long as you are surrounded by the people you love and friends it doesn't matter what is happening around as long as you have each other

20 August 2008


Well August 8th was a very busy day for us wedding photographers. I was in the company of a great couple who go by the names of Steven & Donna. They were married at Couples Negril. We had a blast!

Here's a sample to keep you going!

17 August 2008

Long Time!

I know guys it's been a very long time since I've been in touch with the world. I am so SORRY! I have just been so busy attending some fanatstic weddings. There is one that sticks out in my mind and that is Jaime & Kayce. Their day turned out to really great.
Check out Jaime & Kayce's slideshow