05 November 2008

Can We Make A Difference ''YES WE CAN!''

Well yesterday was an emotional evening for me, even though I am not an American Citizen my eyes were glued to the TV waiting for results to come. I am from Black Origin too (Jamaica) and it made me proud last night to know that the people can make the change. I felt such a sense of pride just as if this honor was bestowed upon me. We have come so far!

My Grandfather was a proud Jamaican Black man and was also a tailor to Marcus Garvey. He knew all about the struggles of life and equality. He used to tell me all kinds of stories not only about himself but of others in their struggles too. I would have loved for him to be around today to see a better change, a black man making President. For the first time in his life he would have been so stunned!

This message is dedicated to all of those who fought for and still fight our rights

''Rosa Parks said Martin Luther King could walk...Martin walked so Barack Obama could run...Obama is running so our children CAN FLY!''

Obama make us all proud

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